New in 2016
Did last year fly by as swiftly for you as it did for us? It seemed one minute we were blowing off fireworks for the Fourth of July and the next minute we were spreading the table for Thanksgiving. We barely dried the dishes from that scrumptious feast and we were gathered around the Christmas tree, opening presents and celebrating the birth of Christ.
Now January 2016 is already behind us and I’m pretty sure this year will fly by just as quickly, which leads me to the specific and exciting purpose of this edition of the Praiseletter.
The End of 2015
Over year’s end, my wife Linda, my daughter Jennifer, our website and social media consultant Dave, and I spent several days discussing, strategizing, and praying about 2016 and beyond.
We looked at the past and rejoiced in God’s faithfulness: His provision, guidance, and protection. He has certainly protected us physically through the miles and miles of travel both here and abroad. Even more importantly, He has protected the integrity of this ministry and by His grace has kept us on a course that has not detoured from His call to present the gospel and lift up the name of Jesus.
We carefully examined the present to assess what things we are doing well, what areas if any need improvement or refocusing, and whether or not there are things that have run their course.
I’ve often said, “We run a lean mean machine” and I do believe that is an apt description of our ministry. We desire to remain unencumbered by anything not aligned with our calling.
As we look toward the future, I am very excited about several new opportunities which I believe will enable us to reach more people, stay connected with them in a more personal way, and minister more effectively into their lives.
The Frustration I’ve Endured for Over 45 Years
For over forty-five years I’ve traveled to every state in our country and twenty plus countries around the world. Always, I have sung and presented in testimony and preaching the truth of God’s word. As a result many have come to faith in Christ and lives have been truly transformed by the power of the gospel.
My frustration has often been that after we leave the concert venue and community, we are unable to have much continued interaction with those whose lives have been so significantly touched.
Years ago when we were touring with the band, Dallas Holm and Praise, we would jokingly say, “I wish we could figure out a way for all these people to come visit us.” Now of course, through the miracle of modern technology and the internet, that’s a very real possibility.
We, of course, will continue to travel and minister as we have for these many years, but I believe we now have opportunity to connect with the friends of our ministry in new and exciting ways.
I’ll confess, I’m not a computer whiz but I’m learning. Linda and I have been surprised how many of our generation and older do much, if not most, of their communication via the internet. Hence, we are embarking on a new course of action which will not in any way replace that which we already do, but I believe will greatly enhance it.
While there is much I will share in coming weeks and months, today I would like to share with you something that we are very excited about.
For the First Time Beginning In March
In March I will be launching the first of several Q & A session videos. As I mentioned above, leaving a location after the concert always left the desire to connect beyond the gathering. Now, as a faithful subscriber of the Praiseletter we can, indeed, connect beyond the gathering.
Next month all who are subscribed to the Praiseletter will receive a link to a special Q&A session with me. We will continue to produce additional Q&A session videos on the months the Praiseletter is not released. Each month subscribers will have the opportunity to submit questions and I will take time to answer some of these on video and share them with you.
How You Can Participate
So, now over to you! I’d love to hear what God has put on your heard and answer any questions or share any stories that might bless you, your family and the season of life you are currently in.
To submit your question, click here. Our team will go through all the questions and select the ones that we believe will build our relationship together as well as God’s Kingdom here on earth.
The next Praiseletter will be entitled, The God of All Comfort. The ministry continues….and as they say, “Stay tuned…”
In Christ,
Dallas Holm