Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas!

The title of this Praiseletter will be a term we will hear often this month. Some will say it with a rich and true understanding of what “Christmas” is really all about. Many others will offer this statement with little or no context as to why this season/day is celebrated all over the world.

I’ll not take time or space here to articulate the “true meaning of Christmas” speech. I assume that those to whom I am writing this letter are well aware of the fact that the greatest gift ever given to the world was the gift of God’s only begotten Son.

We understand both the joy of the baby being born in that wooden manger and the sadness of that same child as a grown young man, dying upon a wooden cross.

For the true believer there is, at this season, a great joy that we understandably and rightfully celebrate, but there is also an accompanying twinge of sadness as we consider the final moments of the Christ Child’s life here on earth, as Son of God and Son of Man.

Years ago I expressed the sad element embedded in the reality of the joyous gift from Heaven, in a song.
God it must have broke your heart to send your Son away
Knowing all the time the final price He’d have to pay
Left His home in glory and became a common man
And because He did, I am what I am.

I Am What I Am
by Dallas Holm

I am personally experiencing the juxtaposition of joy and sorrow that can accompany this Christmas season. Last year at this time I wrote the Praiseletter and titled it:  “The Last Christmas.” I proposed the idea of how differently we might live and view the world around us, if we knew it was to be our final Christmas celebration.

Little did I know at the time that it would be my wonderful wife’s final Christmas here on earth. I think both Linda and I were aware that especially in the last couple years, and specifically in the last weeks and months, there was noticeable diminishment in Linda’s health. But, I did not anticipate her being in hospice on Christmas Day, nor being unable to communicate two days later on our 54th wedding anniversary, nor her passing from earth to Paradise on December 30th.

Yes, my eyes are full of tears as I write this. I’m remembering not only the difficult days of the final chapter of Linda’s life, but even more so I’m remembering the lifetime of love and joy we shared, all the wonderful memories and blessings we experienced, and the privilege of having been married to such an outstanding example of a Godly woman.

Thus, joy and sorrow intermingle to somehow broaden the scope of understanding as to how rich and vast is the reach of God’s eternal plan which we celebrate this Christmas season.

I know there will be emotionally challenging moments for my family and myself this month, but honestly, the joy of knowing Linda is healed, happy, and “home” must and does outweigh the sorrow.

A couple days ago my daughter Jennifer texted a needed note of encouragement to me. It was a verse of scripture that had especially ministered to Linda during some of the early days of her cancer journey.

“You light a lamp for me. The Lord, my God, lights up my darkness. In Your strength I can crush an army; with my God I can scale a wall. God’s way is perfect. All the Lord’s promises are true. He is a shield for all who look to Him for protection. For who is God except the Lord? Who but our God is a solid rock? God arms me with strength, and He makes my way perfect. He makes me as sure footed as a deer, enabling me to stand on mountain heights. He trains my hands for battle; He strengthens my arm to draw a bronze bow. You have given me Your shield of victory. Your right hand supports me; Your help has made me great. You have made a wide path for my feet, to keep them from slipping” (Psalm 18:28-36).

Thank you for allowing me to share from a very personal and emotional perspective. I believe writing this is both cathartic for me and hopefully helpful to you.

I’m quite sure I’m not the only one who enters this season of joy and celebration with weights of sorrow and difficult challenges. But let’s read that Psalm again: He more than prepares us, equips us, and holds us. “Your right hand supports me!”

He’s got us! Heaven awaits us! We have both a present and eternal hope that cannot be diminished as we remain “in Christ”!

Honestly, I think the sorrows do more to enrich our lives than do the joys. It’s my opinion that the sorrows require more grace than do the joys. Thus, abounding grace is poured out more abundantly in the tough stretches. All things really do work together for good to them that love the Lord and are the called ones according to His purposes!

So amidst the great joys, and perhaps present sorrows, I can say in all sincerity…
Have a Merry Christmas!

In Christ,


Dallas Holm

P.S. Thank you each and every one for your prayers, your encouraging and comforting cards and emails, and for your continual support of this ministry. I generally remind our friends at year’s end to consider a gift to Praise Ministries. Like many ministries (and businesses) we have felt the squeeze of inflation, especially this last year. God will provide; He always has. But please prayerfully consider what you might do to keep this ministry moving ahead. Please continue to pray for us, as we continue to pray for you.