Entries by Dallas Holm


That word always gets your attention, doesn’t it? It seems we live in an increasingly dangerous world. Warning signs are on our highways letting us know of low overpasses, washed […]

One Nation Under God?

Arrogant. Dishonest. Immoral. Profane. Unkind. How’s that for a list of very unflattering words? Not only do those words bespeak a lack of character, integrity and morality, they are the […]

The God of All Comfort

In our culture I fear the word comfort is most defined by that which pertains to ease. Anything that might possess the potential to dis-comfort must be avoided at all costs. Our definition of comfort often has a sense of passivity if not laziness.

We ride in comfort, we walk in comfortable shoes, we lounge in comfortable chairs, and we even eat comfort food.

It’s interesting to note that the first definitions given to us in the older more reliable dictionaries are, “strengthening aid or to give strength and hope to.”

New in 2016

For over forty-five years I’ve traveled to every state in our country and twenty plus countries around the world. Always, I have sung and presented in testimony and preaching the truth of God’s word. As a result many have come to faith in Christ and lives have been truly transformed by the power of the gospel.

My frustration has often been that after we leave the concert venue and community, we are unable to have much continued interaction with those whose lives have been so significantly touched.

Years ago when we were touring with the band, Dallas Holm and Praise, we would jokingly say, “I wish we could figure out a way for all these people to come visit us.” Now of course, through the miracle of modern technology and the internet, that’s a very real possibility.

Enlightened. Equipped. Engaged.

These are increasingly difficult and darkening days. There is an eternal rest for all true believers just ahead, but now, perhaps more than ever before, it’s time for every true Christian to “discern the times”, be serious about their calling and be enlightened, equipped and engaged.

Wolves Among the Sheep

Like the “wolves in sheep’s clothing”, false teachers seem to be among us in an often discomforting close proximity. Under the guise of “ministry” they sneak in amongst the flock, having an outward appearance that’s rather sheep-like but underneath are ravenous predators seeking to devour both the weak and the strong.

We are in need of a shepherd to care for us and Jesus has said he is that Good Shepherd.

Hey Jude

Hey Jude, don’t make it bad Take a sad song and make it better (Lennon – McCartney) I’m sure the writers of this well-known Beatles classic did not receive their […]

No Going Back

Here we are in 2015. It seems as though I just got used to writing 2014 on checks and various documents, only to have the year race by, the calendar page flip over, and a new year is upon us!

The unknown stretches out before us. This very day will all too soon see the setting of the sun. There is much that cannot yet be determined and even the remaining fleeting hours of this day are unsure. Amidst the shrouded uncertainty of the future there do, however, remain some “unchangeables.”

Lord Speak

All through scripture God speaks to people, often in amazing ways. God spoke to Adam and Eve in the garden. God spoke to Abram and gave him instructions where to live and later in His old age spoke the promise of a child and an inheritance. God told Noah to build a boat. He spoke to Moses in a burning bush. Isaiah overheard God speaking and as a result asked to be sent. Many heard God say, “Thou are my son…” when Jesus was baptized by John. Peter, James and John heard God on the mount of transfiguration. Saul heard God on the road to Damascus. On and on we could go. Down through centuries and up to today many testify of hearing God’s voice.